Available Camps and Age Ranges
Day Camp:
Day Camp is back again! This allows campers to get a mix of various camp experiences as they rotate through various stations of sports, games, art, and nature/makerspace based activities. Day Camp will be available for future 1st through 7th graders and will run weeks 3 and 4 July 21st-25th and July 28th- August 1st. This camp will be available to future 1st-7th graders.
Tots Camp:
Campers that are 4-6 years old (PK and Future Kindergarten ONLY for 2025) interested in camp can register. This camp will be geared towards movement, learning, and building future skills for school and camp in the future. TOTS camp will run 9am-1pm. TOTs campers will be available for before care but NOT after care.
The theme of the week will be CAMPING FUN.
Drama Camp:
Campers will be participating in Drama Camp at Dulaney from 8:30-2:30 to assist with the drop off and pickup at multiple locations for affected families. Drama camp will present Disney's 101 Dalmatians Kids at Towson High School. The Cast and Stage Crew must commit to 10 full days of camp from July 14th-25th. The Stage Crew will be in charge of operating the lighting, sound system, and set pieces during the show and are not considered cast members. The performance of 101 Dalmatians will be Friday July 25th and will be opened to the public. All families will receive 2 free tickets.
Campers may also register for Set Design for Drama Camp which will also be held at Towson High School from 8:30-2:30. Campers looking to design, build, paint, and bring to life the set of Disney's 101 Dalmatians can sign up for the 1 week of Set Design from July 14th-18th. Campers will be guaranteed tickets to the show on July 25th as well as 2 additional free tickets for families will be provided.
If interested in registering for Drama Camp please follow the link to our week 2 registration page here.
Primary Camp:
Primary Camp is geared for campers that are ready for a full day of fun at camp and want a variety of activities geared specifically for campers their age. Camp will include arts and crafts, sports and games, water activities and much more. Primary Camp will offer different themes and activities for both weeks of camp for campers going into future 1st and 2nd grade. Primary Camp will be held at Timonium Elementary School from 9am-3pm and will run Week 2 and 3 July 14th-18th and July 21st-25th.
Before and After Care:
Returning this year is an option for before and after care, however we have extended after care based on last years feedback. This option is for any camp held at Timonium ES. Campers will engage in a Fitness/Jump Rope program that will be geared for campers of all ages. Drop off and Pickup for this program will be in the Cafeteria at TES.
Before care will be 8:30-9:00 and After care will be from 3:00-4:00
Visit our website for more information